Rainbow Land

Forget the pot of gold...This is what you find at the end of the rainbow

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Beauty and the Beast...Spousal Abuse?

So I am in an English class at Grant MacEwan based on Children's Literature and right now we are focusing on Folk and Fairy Tales. We got on the the topic of Disney movies today and I didn't realize just how many people out there think that Disney movies should not be watched by children because it will cause horrible negative reprecussions.
I, however, am not one of those people. For those who don't know me I am a huge Disney nut. I love everything Disney especially the old school movies. In our discussion today they brought up Beauty and the Beast which was critically acclaimed and nominated for an Oscar. Some of the people in my class thought that this movie promoted spousal abuse and encouraged young girls to stay with their abusive partners because he would eventually become this good person. I don't know about you but I don't remember thinking anything other then..."Gee I didn't know that the Prince would turn out to be cute!"
When I tried to raise the point that people thought those things because they were purposely looking for the negative aspects in movies, they shot me down saying that these movies are harmful to children. I responded by saying that if YOU parent your children and not the TV then even if your children pick up on a "negative" then you can show them that it is wrong and help them to realize that it is JUST A STORY.
Anyways my whole class with exception of a small few now thinks that I am a completely naieve with visions of sugar plums and fairy dust clouding my vision of the real worlds and way things really are.

I would like to think that I am not naieve I know that alone these movies could perhaps lead some children to think the wrong thing but I choose to look on the positive side of things that they are a good hour and a half of song and drama.
What do you think?


At 1:56 PM, Blogger LefthandedSocks said...

Megan, you're not naieve, those artsies are just crazy. In my english class that I had to take back in first year, I didn't know where most of the stuff they came up with came from. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie. And call me crazy, but I think that main theme of that movie was to show that people can change and that there is good in all of us. Perhaps that is a little naieve, but I don't care. Also, I don't think 6 year olds think like that. At least I didn't pick up on things like that when I was 6. How strange.
Good for you for sticking up for yourself.

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Ian McKenzie said...

Welcome to the world of deconstruction. ;) Of course, if they're deconstructing Disney stories they're in serious trouble. The Disney versions of fairy tales are already seriously watered-down and "sweentened" for the child audience. The original versions of the stories would scare the crap out of most readers.

Steph's right, the main theme of the movie is "main theme of that movie was to show that people can change and that there is good in all of us." If fact, that's the main theme of every Disney movie ever made, regardless of the original story.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Chrissy and Brian said...

I'm with you Megs! Good for you for saying what you thought. Negative people can make anything sound bad, they should all just learn to smile and take it for what it is... A Children's story!

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Ben said...

Stupid people just want to think they are smart so they have to make junk up other people are 'too naive' to see.


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