Rainbow Land

Forget the pot of gold...This is what you find at the end of the rainbow

Monday, October 03, 2005

Muffins, Money and Deep Conversation

Today I was in line at school to buy a muffin for breakfast and when I heard the girl behind me say she didn't have enough for the coffee and muffin I offered to pay the $1.40 for her muffin so that she could have it for breakfast too. I was really looking forward to start the day off nice but alas she turned down my offer. That is ok though I feel good about it anyway. Did I mention that the muffin I am eating is really really good.
My friend Samira and I went out for desserts last night at Montana's. We had an awesome time and we got to talk about a lot of stuff that we don't usually talk about. Even though Samira is muslim, she still holds many of the same values I do on sex, drinking etc. it was really awesome to have a conversation with her to realize that even though we don't believe in the same God that we still have so many things in common.


At 7:07 AM, Blogger Reverend Joyleaf said...

But what if you guys do believe in the same God and you just don't know it? Wouldn't that be cool?

At 9:33 AM, Blogger RainbowBrite said...

That would be pretty sweet. She is an awesome girl..a little shy but we have definatly gotten a lot closer in the last little while

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Lady Katrina said...

ummmm Muslims do believe in the same God, they just call God "Allah" because that is what God is in Arabic.


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